The GNEACC Network was formed 27 years ago and now consists of 28 Neighbourhood Houses and Community Learning Centres in the Goulburn North East Region of Victoria.

Network Aim:

To provide a forum for discussion and sharing of needs and a medium for support through networking.

Network Purposes:
  1. Provide all members with the opportunity for communication, social involvement and fun.
  2. Promote Community Centre/Neighbourhood House services within all sectors of the community.
  3. Act as a united voice to appropriate agencies on issues affecting Community Centres/Neighbourhood Houses.
  4. Make available information, resources and training for committees of management, volunteers and staff.
Network Role:                                                          

The GNEACC Network is one of 16 such networks across Victoria, all of which are funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing through the Neighbourhood Houses Coordination Program. The GNEACC Network has employed a Community Resource Worker (Networker) for the past 26 years.

Services provided to Neighbourhood Houses in the Goulburn North East Region:

Advice and Consultancy:

  • Planning, developing and evaluating services.
  • Linking with other agencies
  • Interpretation of funding body policies.

Provision of Training and Training Resources:

  • Training for staff and committees of neighbourhood houses.
  • Information on other training opportunities via regional and state wide organisations.

Management Support:

  • Support, information and resources to neighbourhood house committees.
  • Assistance with establishment of new neighbourhood houses.
  • Assistance with induction of new staff members.
  • Circulation of information on relevant government policy, funding, management, legalities, training and employment issues.

Coordination and Advocacy:

  • Liaison with government and non-government agencies.
  • Liaison with other networks across the state.
  • Representation at relevant meetings, seminars and conferences.
  • Assist linkages and resource sharing between Network Houses.
  • Advocacy to politicians, funding and policy making bodies, other state bodies, local government and peak bodies.

Community Action and Education:

  • Contribution to community education.
  • Preparation of press releases and promotional material.
Key Roles:
  • The GNEACC Committee has the overall governance role for the Network, including policy, planning and directing the Resource Worker. It is not the role of the GNEACC Committee to provide direct services to the Network members (such as management support, consultancy, resourcing, training).
  • The Resource Worker’s role is to carry out day to day management and service provision for the Network. This includes making recommendations to the GNEACC Committee.
  • The role of Member Houses is to support the GNEACC Committee and each other to maintain linkages within the Network.
Roles and Responsibilities:

GNEACC Committee – Roles:

The Network Committee is accountable for the overall governance of the Network including planning and provision of support and direction to the Networker.

  1. Consult with and involve member Houses.
  2. Create a communication system to ensure involvement by all houses.
  3. Meet all legal requirements as an incorporated body and employer.
  4. Provide clear direction to paid staff.
  5. Provide support, supervision, training and appraisals for staff.
  6. Foster a positive work environment for all involved in the Network.
  7. Ensure all committee positions are filled and carried out in accordance with the constitution.
  8. Table all correspondence at committee meetings.
  9. Ensure policies and processes are maintained and reviewed.
  10. Provide support for office bearers, especially the Treasurer and Secretary.

GNEACC Committee – Responsibilities:

The Network Committee oversees the operations and activities of the Network to ensure it fulfils its aims. This includes legal, financial, personnel, premises and equipment, planning, policy and decision making, promotion and marketing, reporting and accountability responsibilities.

  1. Be aware of all issues affecting members Houses and ensure responsive and relevant decision making.
  2. Accept responsibility for paid staff and ensure duties are carried out in a professional manner.
  3. Implement the mission and statement of purpose.
  4. Promote a positive image for the Network and individual Houses.
  5. Encourage House committees, volunteers and staff to be actively involved in the Network.
  6. Ensure all funds are spent in a responsible manner.

GNEACC Networker – Role:

The role of the Networker is to carry out Committee directives and report to the Network Committee. The Networker is responsible for resourcing individual Houses and the Network as a whole.

  1. Contribute to GNEACC as an effective networking and advocacy body.
  2. Provide support, information, contacts and training to member Houses.
  3. Assist GNEACC to be an effective contributor in regional and statewide forums.
  4. Ensure effective flow of information within GNEACC and between GNEACC and advocacy, funding and policy bodies.
  5. Assist the Network to raise the public profile of and support for neighbourhood houses.
  6. Facilitate Network days to promote exchange of information, skills and ideas.
  7. Resource and advise GNEACC committee meetings.
  8. Resource and advise new houses, coordinators and committees.
  9. Access funding to further the aims of GNEACC.
  10. Encourage open and positive communication system between all involved in the Network.

GNEACC Networker – Responsibilities:

The Networker is responsible for the provision of support, services and resources to Network members and day to day management of the Network as directed by the Network Committee.

  1. Be aware of both the individual and collective issues of the Houses.
  2. Work with Houses to respond effectively to issues.
  3. Work towards the achievement of the aims of the Network.
  4. Be accountable to the GNEACC Committee.
  5. Implement the roles of the position.

GNEACC Member Houses – Roles:

GNEACC is the Houses, therefore they are to:

  1. Provide support to each other.
  2. Consult, report and feed back ideas and information to all houses.
  3. Participate in and maintain communication system with the Network Committee.
  4. Be aware of the responsibilities of member Houses and be committed to fulfilling those responsibilities.

GNEACC Member Houses – Responsibilities:

  1. Provide support, information and ideas to the GNEACC Committee.
  2. Promote active involvement in the Network and ensure all Network Committee positions are filled.
  3. Ensure barriers of cost, time and distance are responded to so participation is possible by all houses/centres.
  4. Demonstrate commitment to the Network by active involvement in GNEACC activities.

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing – Role:

  1. The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing funds neighbourhood house network services in each region.

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing – Responsibilities:

  1. Ensure that funding is paid accurately and on time, subject to financial and program requirements of the Network being met.
  2. Encourage a coordinated approach by State Government departments at central and regional levels that provide resources to neighbourhood houses.
  3. Provide public liability insurance cover.
  4. Provide support to coordinators and committees and funding Neighbourhood Houses Victoria and regional networks, to the extent possible in budget terms.
  5. Identify a Department of Families, Fairness and Housing contact person with responsibility for neighbourhood houses.